SingularityU Italy Summit

SingulartyU Summits attract thousands of professionals around the world who want to keep updated on the hottest topics revolving around technology.

The main stage consisted of a 18x4 meters long LED screen controlloed remotely to ensure both animations and the speakers' presentations where always on. 


Opening Sequence


The opening sequence takes inspiration from Kurzweil theory of the singularity and its six epochs:

Epoch 1. Physics and Chemistry
At the beginning of the universe, all information existed at the subatomic level.

Epoch 2. Biology and DNA
With the beginning of life on Earth, genetic information was stored in DNA molecules, and yet organisms takes thousands of years to evolve. 

Epoch 3. Brains
Evolution produced increasingly complex organisms. The birth of the brain allowed organisms to change their behavior and learn from past experiences.

Epoch 4. Technology
Humans evolved into organisms with the ability to create technology. We are right now in the final stages of this epoch.

Epoch 5. The Merger of Human Technology with Human Intelligence
Biology and technology will begin to merge in order to create higher forms of life and intelligence.

Epoch 6. The Universe Wakes Up
Theis epoch will see the birth of super-intelligence, and with it, humans/machines expanding into the Universe.


Walk-in Sequence

More than 20 speakers over 2 days gave insightful lectures about cutting edge technology from blockchain to self driving cars.

A sequence showcasing all the speakers was created to present to the attendees the name and the subjects of every speech.

Logo Animations and extra content

A logo animation and various graphics interfaces were created for the main stage and all the others screen all over the conference building.


UMA, a motion tracked 3D softwear, was programmed to track an actress's head to interact with the speakers and posing them the questions the attendees asked on twitter.



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